
NO poo-poo in the potty - BOO, HISS

So Shawn continues to poop in his pull up and now we are trying the whole time out thing. We have him sit in the hall (because their is no other place in the house that isn't packed with toys - including the bathroom) on his backyardigans pull out couch. Did us a lot of good...HE FELL ASLEEP. So much for making him think about what he did and why he can't play with this toys now.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

That sucks but it will come in time. Now that the summer is here - you might want to have him wear underwear during the day instead of a pull up - pooping in a pull up still feels like he is pooping in a diaper. If he has an accident in regular underwear it is way more uncomfortable.

Anyway that is my two cents. No worries though - he won't be pooping in his pants when he is 15 - all in due time.

Watched the video - Otis is such a good dog!