
Poopy in the Potty - HURRAY!

Yes, it finally happened. Not only did Shawn go poops in the potty, but he actually told me he wanted to go poops. I know he is going to have an explosion eventually because he didn't go yesterday and we only had a few nuggets today. I'll take anything. Mike celebrated so loud that Aidan started to cry hysterically. Poor little guy was frightened. We are currently in our big boy underwear and doing well. Keep your fingers crossed!


Christine Barrett said...

I think I'll go tell Finn right now and see if Peer Pressure will help our cause!

Jenn said...

Yay!!! Great job Shawn!!!! Such a relief when you get the poop! hahaha Nick still gives me trouble - waiting until the very last minute - but who cares!!!

Way to go Shawn! How funny is it that poop is a MAJOR event in our lives now! LOL