Doctor Visit 12.5.08
Shawn is 38 pounds and 3'4". Hard to believe he will be 3 in February. The time sure does fly. We love this age. He is talking more and more each day and he is saying some of the funny things too. He is starting to watch movies for longer periods of time - Finding Nemo is a hit!
We are looking forward to the holidays. Christmas Eve at the Scheer's and Christmas Day with the Legge's. New Year's Eve is in Massachusetts with the Barretts. We are taking Shawn to see the Christmas Tree in NYC on Monday. That should be a lot of fun. We are going to attempt potty training on our two weeks off - that shouldn't be a lot of fun.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Much love to you all!
Halloween - Finally

6-Month Doctor Visit
They are up to 3x a day feedings along with bottles. I still don't see a decrease in the bottle making though! Only 6-months to go until they can have milk. When people complain about the milk prices I can't help but laugh. I would rather spend $7 on two gallons of milk a week than $60 a week on formula (but I know you breastfeeding moms are saying I did it to myself, which you are right about).
AIDAN HAS TEETH - and yes, our little chubba got two bottom teeth, literally overnight, last Friday. It was pretty cool - sad part is no one noticed until that night - including my mother who notices everything (in a good way). She actually checked his upper gums that same day and saw nothing. haha - she never checked the bottom though.
Weight: 19.3
Height: 27.25
Head: 18
Weight: 14.13
Height: 25.75
Head: 16.5
SHAWN at this age
Weight: 20.4
Height: 28.5
Thanks for reading and I hope to update this site more often. Unfortunately I cannot do it from work so I have to wait until I actually get on the computer during the week at home. Sleep is getting in the way of doing that!!!
First Foods
Visit with the Family
Doctor Visit
Height: 24 3/4
Weight: 17.9
Head: 17
Height: 24
Weight: 13.7
Head: 16
Shawn at this age
Height: 25 1/2
Weight: 17
Head: 17
So it's official....Aidan is a tank for a twin. I can't believe he is over 4 pounds more than Michaela. That just means he will be in a bigger car seat real soon, which isn't good for us. Here comes the Minivan Mike!!!!
I usually keep my retainer (that has my bottom teeth on it) in a cup in the medicine cabinet (you can't sleep with it in) and this morning I actually got freaked out for a second when I went to get it and it wasn't there. haha... The dentist was actually surprised that I didn't want to keep the retainer! What are these people thinking??? Am I suppose to bronze it and put it next to the baby shoes? haha
The babies are going to the doctor today and I will post the results later.
Tummy Time
Shawn at the Park

Twins Christening

The christening was beautiful. Thank you to all who took time from your busy schedules to celebrate with us. We appreciate your love and support more than you will ever know.
Twins Doctor Visit
Aidan is now 14lbs and Michaela is 11lbs. She is only 1 inch behind though in height. Michaela is 23 1/4 inches and Aidan is 24 1/4. They did say that both babies had very long femurs during the sonograms, so she is going to be a tall one as well.
CONGRATULATIONS - Another new addition to the family
Summer Hair
Update 5-22-08
We're awaiting the arrival of our new niece/nephew who was due a few days ago. We can't wait to find out who the new addition to the family is!!! Good luck Christine and Sean. Finn is going to be a great big brother.
Shawn on the Big Bounce Slide
Check out Shawn as he goes down the huge slide at Gerard's Communion on May 10. Great activity for the kids Jackie. Special thanks to Grandpa for getting Shawn to give the bouncer another chance and cousin Nikki for getting him to the top. He wasn't thrilled with it at first.
Check out the footage below of Uncle Patrick & Shawn on the slide.
The Gang
The Boys
Doctor's Visit
When Shawn was 2 months, he was 12.12 pounds. Aidan is pretty darn close.
They both screamed like they were being beaten when they got their shots.