
Doctor's Visit

Aidan and Michaela went for their two month check up. Aidan is 12.3 pounds and 151/2 inchces. Michaela is 9.12 pounds and 14 3/4 inches. Shawn is 34.5 pounds according to my home scale. It is a bummer that he doesn't go for well baby visits anymore. We look forward to seeing how big they've gotten. Now we have to do the measuring ourselves. Guess we have to find a spot in the house to start the height tallies.

When Shawn was 2 months, he was 12.12 pounds. Aidan is pretty darn close.

They both screamed like they were being beaten when they got their shots.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Poor babies! I hate when they get their shots..breaks my heart!

I hope big brother is doing well and loving those babies.

We need to figure out dinner one night if you can get out (I know - easier said then done!)

Talk to you soon!