
Doctor Visit

The twins went for their 4-month check-up today and got a few shots (and boy did they scream). They were troopers though because a minute after it was all said and done they both stopped crying.

Height: 24 3/4
Weight: 17.9
Head: 17

Height: 24
Weight: 13.7
Head: 16

Shawn at this age
Height: 25 1/2
Weight: 17
Head: 17

So it's official....Aidan is a tank for a twin. I can't believe he is over 4 pounds more than Michaela. That just means he will be in a bigger car seat real soon, which isn't good for us. Here comes the Minivan Mike!!!!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Wow Aiden is a tank! LOL!!! What a peanut Michaela is! Good thing it isn't the other way around!

Congrats on the new teeth! Talk to you soon!