Shawn and Aidan are the proud owners of bunk beds. They are doing pretty well in them. Aidan has no issues and sleeps through the night. Shawn usually makes his way down the stairs at 1 or 2am and then comes into our room. His sleeping habits at 5 are a work in progress.
Michaela now has a nice twin bed with a beautiful quilt from her cousin Jacque Moon (thanks again Lauraine). She has Princess sheets. Ironically she thinks she is a Princess. Oh how far from the truth could that little devil be. She is, however, fully potty trained. She was a hot mess in the beginning and very combative. At one point her and Michael were in a standoff (aka pissing match) and she announced that she would pee her pants right now. Sweet little girl, ain't she?
Aidan continues to make progress according to his teachers, I have yet to see any of it though. I guess I am just going to go on with life assuming he will forever be non-verbal. It's easier than waiting around desperately hoping for it to happen. What a nice surprise it will be if he does. Aidan is also starting the daunting task of potty training. Why we are doing this when the kid can't communicate his needs yet is beyond me, but I do as the teachers tell me. I guess they like to see me suffer on a regular basis. Hopefully we can get the ball really rolling at the April break.
Life otherwise is quite boring. It's work, Aidan's teachers, coaching for Mike, hanging with the kids, drinking wine/beer, and going to bed. Oh the fun of it.
Crazy Babies
Life with a rambunctious five year old, three year old twins, and two labs.
Aidan Update
Hi Everyone:
Aidan started his services this week for his diagnosis of Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), which is on the Autism Spectrum. He will get intense Applied Behavior Analysis(ABA) therapy two times a day, 5 days a week, for 90-minutes each session. So he gets it every morning and again every evening. It will work on everything from speech to social interaction to daily living skills (maybe I can bribe them to potty train him and Michaela too). haha
He is already making better eye contact and starting to say a few more words (Ma, choo choo, ball on a regular basis, wee when being pushed on the swing, and understands what GO means and when to use it) in only three short days. The teachers are great and the one who teaches him every morning also does our Parent Training once a week for an hour for the next 6-months. He is responding well and enjoys seeing his teachers. They are working as I write this on identifying body parts and animals.
I will continue to update this site often as it is a good outlet for me to write what's happening (somewhat theraputic) and it's a great way to keep you all updated.
Much love,
Aidan started his services this week for his diagnosis of Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), which is on the Autism Spectrum. He will get intense Applied Behavior Analysis(ABA) therapy two times a day, 5 days a week, for 90-minutes each session. So he gets it every morning and again every evening. It will work on everything from speech to social interaction to daily living skills (maybe I can bribe them to potty train him and Michaela too). haha
He is already making better eye contact and starting to say a few more words (Ma, choo choo, ball on a regular basis, wee when being pushed on the swing, and understands what GO means and when to use it) in only three short days. The teachers are great and the one who teaches him every morning also does our Parent Training once a week for an hour for the next 6-months. He is responding well and enjoys seeing his teachers. They are working as I write this on identifying body parts and animals.
I will continue to update this site often as it is a good outlet for me to write what's happening (somewhat theraputic) and it's a great way to keep you all updated.
Much love,
24-Month Checkup
Height: 34" Shawn was 37.5"
Weight: 29 pounds Shawn was 31 pounds
Height: 34.25"
Weight: 23.4 pounds
Height: 43"
Weight: 47 pounds
Height: 34" Shawn was 37.5"
Weight: 29 pounds Shawn was 31 pounds
Height: 34.25"
Weight: 23.4 pounds
Height: 43"
Weight: 47 pounds
Mommy and Me Photo Shoot

Well they only got one good shot after taking a million, but what a great shot it is. I wasn't there the class before so I had no idea about the photo shoot. So Aidan in his soccer shirt was not really ready for a beach scene. There was one very nice mom who literally gave me the shirt off her son's back, I rolled up his jeans and took off his shoes, and he was beach ready. Too bad I didn't know about it because I would have brought Shawn too.
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