Michaela is 16 pounds and 27.5 inches. Aidan is 20 pounds and 29 inches. The visit went well - except for the first round for the flu shot. Which reminds me that we have to make an appointment for round 2.
Shawn is 38 pounds and 3'4". Hard to believe he will be 3 in February. The time sure does fly. We love this age. He is talking more and more each day and he is saying some of the funny things too. He is starting to watch movies for longer periods of time - Finding Nemo is a hit!
We are looking forward to the holidays. Christmas Eve at the Scheer's and Christmas Day with the Legge's. New Year's Eve is in Massachusetts with the Barretts. We are taking Shawn to see the Christmas Tree in NYC on Monday. That should be a lot of fun. We are going to attempt potty training on our two weeks off - that shouldn't be a lot of fun.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Much love to you all!